額滿加開名額✨今年最後唯一【線上課程】💻 FSSC22000v6.0及ISO22000:2018/Amd 1:2024主導稽核員訓練課程-確定開課
開課時間: 2024/11/16 ~ 2024/11/24
報名日期: 2024/03/11 10:00 ~ 2024/11/11 23:00
參加對象: 1.對FSSC22000v6.0、ISO22000:2018/Amd 1:2024、ISO22002-1:PRP、HACCP:2020、ISO
參加人數: 30
剩餘名額: 8
FSSC22000v6.0及ISO22000:2018/Amd 1:2024主導稽核員訓練課程
★稽核實務之專業師資,透過導入技術顧問專家之實務講解及帶領案例演練,使學員充分瞭解解此等食品安全管理系統(FSMS)之要求,幫助學員熟悉顧問輔導、稽核與驗證的過程。使學員瞭解食品安全(FS-HACCP)、食品防禦(FD-TACCP)、食品攙偽假冒(FF-VACCP)、食品品質(FQ-QACCP)等之風險評估方法學及緩解計畫(Threat Assessment ,
Vulnerability Assessment、APS mitigation strategy &
★符合FSSC22000v6.0條文2.5.18 -對組織內部之內部稽核員、技術審查稽核員之能力要求(Internal
auditors, technical personnel reviewing internal audits),以備在職場上實施具備食品公司(廠)之專業知識,精進專業能力及深造食品安全研究所之學術研究與增加就業技能。
★學員如成功通過考核,可取得雙證書-FSSC220006.0+ISO22000:2018/Amd 1:2024主導稽核員訓練課程及格證書,未來可登錄國際主導稽核員證照之基本能力之一。如未成功通過考核,核發中華HACCP協會結業證書。
【課程方式】GOOGLE MEET 線上上課
日期 時間 |
DAY1 |
DAY2 |
DAY3 |
DAY4 |
08:20 09:50 |
Day 1. Section 1 1.學員履歷自我介紹,回饋 2.IQCS 介紹 Introductíon
to IQCS. 3.食品安全管理系統介紹 Introduction
to Food Safety management system |
Section 3: 1.
Review of Day 2. 2.
ISO22002-1 (PRP;Food Manufacturing) and
case study - Food
safety Management System, Layout of premises and workspace, Utilities – air,
water, energy, Waste disposal, Equipment suitability, cleaning and
maintenance. |
Section 6: 1. Review of
Day 3 2.To Meet
ISO 19011:2018 a.稽核定義、原則、類型、認證、驗證和稽核員能力 Audits to
meet ISO 19011: 2018. a.definition, principles, Accreditation, certification
and auditor competence. |
Section 7: 1.Review of
Day 3 2.環境監測計畫&防治交叉污染之建廠規劃 Environmental Monitoring Plan; EMP &Planning
for plant construction to prevent cross-contamination |
09:50 - 10:00 休息時間(Break) |
10:00 12:15 |
continue: 食品安全管理系統介紹 Introduction
to Food Safety management System.
Section 2 ISO22000:2018/Amd
1:2024 and case study: Introduction , Terms and
ISO22002-1(PRP) continue: Management of purchased materials, Measures
for prevention of cross contamination, Cleaning and sanitizing, Pest control,
Personnel hygiene and employee facilities, Rework, Product recall procedures,
Warehousing,, Product information/consumer awareness, Food defense,
biovigilance and bioterrorism. |
Preparing for the audit (Stage 1)、 實施稽核(第二階段)Conducting the audit(Stage 2) c.稽核案例審查(Audit
eview)、稽核報告和後續追蹤(Audit reporting and follow-up)
3.各標準作業程序書實務及案例 Standard operating procedures
and case study
continue: 環境監測計畫&防治交叉污染之建廠規劃 Environmental Monitoring Plan;EMP &Planning
for plant construction to prevent cross-contamination
Section 4:
11:15~ FSSC 6.0
additional requirement, Regulations and case study: Introduction
to Food Safety Scheme Certification (FSSC), FSSC22000
guidance. |
Continue: Context of
the organization, Leadership,
Management Responsibilities. |
12:15- 13:20中餐及休息時間(Break) |
13:20 14:50 |
Continue: Support, Resource Management, Planning.
Continue: FSSC22000v6.0-
additional requirement, food defense, food fraud |
Role Play 2:
CAC-HACCP:2020 /OPRP//TACCP/VACCP計畫案例研究及演練 CAC-HACCP:2020 / OPRP /TACCP/VACCP plan case study and
group presentation |
Role Play 1: ISO 22000:2018/Amd
1:2024&FSSC22000v6.0額外條文要求之分組稽核演練 Group audit presentation
of ISO 22000:2024 &FSSC22000v6.0 additional
requirements. |
14:50 - 15:00 休息時間(Break) |
15:00 17:15 |
Continue: ISO22000:2018/Amd
1:2024 (CAC-HACCP:2020): Operation, Prerequisite programmes (PRPs), Emergency
preparedness and response, Hazard control, Control of monitoring and
measuring, Verification related to PRPs and the hazard control plan, Control of product and process nonconformities. |
Continue: FSSC22000v6.0-
establishment of a food safety culture |
Continue: ISO 22000:2018/Amd
1:2024 &FSSC22000v6.0分組稽核演練 Group audit presentation
of ISO 22000:2024 &FSSC22000v6.0 additional
Continue: ISO 22000:2018/Amd
1:2024&FSSC22000v6.0分組稽核演練 Group audit presentation
of ISO 22000:2018/Amd 1:2024 &FSSC22000v6.0 additional
requirements. |
continue: CAC-HACCP:2020 /OPRP//TACCP/VACCP計畫案例研究及演練 CAC-HACCP:2020 / OPRP /TACCP/VACCP plan case study and
group presentation |
Section 5: 1.CAC-HACCP:2020 a.製程的風險評估,危害分析,鑑別與評估 Process-based
Risk assessment, hazard
analysis, identification
and assessment. b.顯著性危害(CCP/OPRPs)之鑑別與管制措施 Significant
hazard- CCP/OPRPs identified, decision and control
measures. |
課後作業檢討 、課程回顧和總複習(Homework review ,Course review and summary) |
17:15 - 18:30晚餐及休息時間(Break) |
18:30 20:00 |
1:2024 and case study: Validation, Verification , Performance
evaluation, Internal audit , Management review, Improvement. |
continue: Significant
hazard- CCP/OPRPs identified, decision and control
&SDGs, Threat Assessment , Vulnerability
Assessment &APS mitigation strategy 威脅性評估管制點及脆弱性評估及APS緩解策略,QACCP &永續發展目標SDGs |
Module TL Module TL
(SC) TL: Leading management system auditing teams. 分組分享及研討 Homework
review |
**筆試(2H) WRITTEN
Critique & Close |
Throughout the duration of the Course, the performance of delegates will
be evaluated during sessions, role-plays, workshops, report and written examination.
Delegates must demonstrate acceptable performance in the objectives to
successfully complete the training course.
2.評量總分200分。分為課堂考核(含課後作業、Food Safety-HACCP/TACCP/VACCP演練、稽核演練等課堂之參與及表現(占50分),及筆試含FSSC22000v6.0、ISO22000:2018/Amd 1:2024 (含CAC-HACCP:2020)及ISO22002-1:PRP三大部分(占150分)。學習結束時,評量總分150分以上為及格; 150分以下者為不及格。然而,得付費補考1次(請預先空留課程結束後的第二週之六或日,日期、時間及教室另行通知)。
The total score of
the assessment is 200 points divided into classroom assessment: including homework, Food Safety-HACCP/TACCP/VACCP
role play, audit role plays and other classroom
participation and performance (accounting for 50 points), and written
examination contains three parts of
FSSC22000v6.0, ISO22000:2018/Amd 1:2024 (including CAC-HACCP:2020) and ISO22002-1: PRP (accounting for 150 points).
At the end of the
training course, a total score of 150 or more is considered as pass; A score of 150 less is considered as fail, however,
a supplementary exam must be paid for
筆試與持續評核合格的學員,將核發具有加拿大 IQCS Logo 之“成功完成訓練課程的合格證書"。此二張合格證書可視為具備在組織內實施FSSC22000v6.0 或 ISO22000:2018/Amd 1:2024之能力證明。若欲從事第三方驗證行業,其有效時間則自課程最後一天起算,為期三年,必要之檢具本訓練及格證書,在此期間應具備足夠的見習稽核或學、經歷經驗後,向CB提報專業技術報告送核,申請稽核資格之CODE,可付費作為向IQCS申請FSMS國際主導稽核員註冊登錄,取得 ID Card 成為國際正式主稽員的必要文件之一。
Trainees who pass the written test and continuous assessment will be
issued with the "Certificate of Successful Completion of the Training
Course" with the Canadian IQCS Logo. These two qualification certificates
can be regarded as proof of the ability to implement FSSC22000v6.0 or ISO22000:2018/Amd
1:2024 in the organization.If you want to engage in the third-party Certification
Body, the expire time will be calculated from the last day of the course for a
period of three years. The necessary training pass certificate should be
checked. During this period, you should have sufficient Training Audit or
learning and experience , and then apply to CB Submit the professional
technical report for review and apply for the CODE of the audit qualification,
which can be paid as one of the necessary documents for the IQCS to apply for
the registration of the FSMS international leading auditor and obtain the ID
Card to become the official international lead auditor.
If the assessment is not successfully passed, a certificate of completion
from the Chinese HACCP Association will be issued.
服務時間:週一至週五9:00-18:00 (午休時間12:00-13:00)